Hello, people, Spike here. I last came to you in
The Killmer-Pechie Press, but since that was an exclusive (read: one) edition, my Laurie said I could become a part of her blog on occasion. She is looking for some kind of niche, and is hopeful that I can be it. The only problem is, I have no idea what a "niche" is... Oh well, I love my Laurie - so I am going to give it my best shot.
The picture above is not really my best work, but I was upset at being left alone with
the man, and while the picture is a bit dated it also depicts this past week. It has been kind of a rough week in my world right from the start when I was forced to wear this stupid hat.
I do really like the woman in the picture though, that's Heather, she stays with me sometimes when the parents go away. I don't like hats or clothes or pretty much anything that I am made to wear. I digress.
Next, my cousin Hulk came to stay with us for a couple days. Hulk and I seem to have an understanding - we mind our own business. I like him and all, but we do not have much in common other than we're both really cute; my hair is blond and my legs are short, his hair is black and legs are long. Although, I do like to drink out of his water bowl, since it tastes better than mine; even though it comes from the same place (so Laurie says). I was pretty sad when he left, but that was not even the low point.
No, the low point came on Friday morning when Laurie discovered red stuff in my eye. She started freaking out, but I could not understand why. I just wanted to play with my toy since that's what what I do when I am not snuggling. Next thing I know we are at the eye doctor (which meant a VERY SCARY car ride - I do not like cars!). I do like Dr. Hammond though, he calls me his favorite because he and I go way back. The good doctor and the nice nurse lady (Maureen) told Laurie that I broke a blood vessel in my eyelid, but I should be just fine. Phew - no special medicine required. Laurie told me that I should ask Santa for some depth perception for Christmas so that I stop running into things. Santa and I are tight, did you know that? I have the evidence here to prove it.

Next week is not looking much better as I have to go to get my teeth cleaned on Wednesday (which means another car ride AND I do not like this vet as much). Laurie thinks I don't know what's going on - but I am all over it, I am just putting on a brave front. The day after the teeth cleaning is Thanksgiving. I have been told not too hope for table scraps, but maybe I can convince the man to give me some fruit. In case you ever want to give me some of yours, peaches are my favorite.
I think that is all I have to say for my inaugural post. How did I do? I will be back as soon as I have something new to report.