Monday, March 5, 2012

This Much - The Story of the Rings

Growing up the Killmer family went to church just about every Sunday (read: every Sunday).  I have a story that I think is funny to put this fact into a bit of perspective.  There was one Sunday morning that my parents were out of town, but my sisters and I were around so we went to church.  We chose to sit in the back because as a family we always sat in the second or third pew; so we wanted to check out a new vantage point.  It came time for the announcements, and our minister shared with the congregation that Mark and Suzanne Killmer were in Seattle for a family wedding.  Denise, Steph and I looked at each other wondering if an update on the status of the Killmers was always given on the rare Sunday that we missed.  We may never know... 

I thought it was funny anyway.

So back to my point or as my Mom likes to hear me say I digress.  When I was little I used to get through the church service by playing with my Mom's wedding rings.  I would not take them off her finger, rather I would just move them around and be amazed by the way the light hit the diamonds.  I still remember the day that I found out that the band was her wedding ring, and the diamond was her engagement ring.  At five years old or so I was convinced it had to be the other way around since I thought the marriage would be symbolized by the bigger ring.  I always liked my Mom's rings, and hoped that one day I would have pretty rings too.  Well many years later I do have a pretty ring that sparkles, and as of this afternoon I should have a wedding band.  Of course indecisive me, my ring is not the ring that I originally picked out.  When Danny proposed my engagement ring was too big (my fault, not his).  My right hand is bigger than my left.  For those of you keeping track at home, my left ring finger is 4 and 3/4 inches.  When I got the ring re-sized I picked out a wedding band.  We put it on lay-away, and paid it off this weekend.  When I put it on I realized I did not like it as much as I originally thought.  Fortunately I was able to exchange it for a rather non-traditional, yet beautiful ring.  It seems that Danny and I are carrying the non-traditional theme into the wedding band. 

A silly tidbit about the ring-buying process.  As you can imagine, I am standing there unable to make a decision, since I want to believe everyone will agree this is a pretty big one.  I intend to wear this ring for the rest of my life.  Thank goodness Danny picked out my engagement ring on his own, but he did not want to make the decision for me.  So he tells me to pull out my phone, and create a text message stating which ring I really want.  He will do the same, and we will show the other person.  Upon doing this we both picked the same ring - the non-traditional one.  Of course my initial inclination was to type "I don't know," but then I realized I did know - I wanted the diamond and sapphire ring.  Danny claims that after two plus years of trying to get me to make decisions he may have finally figured out something that will work...

Perhaps one day a long, long time from now Danny and I will have kids who want to play with my wedding rings, and watch them sparkle in the light.  While we cannot inscribe either ring, mine is too small and Danny's material will not allow it, I would like to think he will always know "this much." You see I intended to have "This Much" inscribed in his ring.  May I suggest that the next time you tell someone you love them you stretch your arms out as wide as you can when you do it, and say "I love you, tttthiiiiissss much."  It really adds to the effect.  And you won't look as creepy as the silly robot in the picture above, but you get the idea.


  1. This made me cry, but I digress! :) Your rings are beautiful!

  2. Aha! That is why Danny had us do that at the food was the best way to make the decisions...


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