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This post for Football Friday for On Her Game is my first of this new season. I watched the first quarter of the first pre-season game. The Bears had flashes of excitement while I am fairly certain that the Eagles received a stern talking to from their coach given all their penalties. Here's hoping the Bears can bring some excitement to the upcoming season, and that I can draft a decent fantasy team!
While my Bears fandom has not wavered since my family arrived in the Chicago-land area in the early 90s, despite the agony that was Super Bowl XLI, along with the fact that I am an official Colorado Transplant with a Denver phone number and a mortgage. Yet, my feelings toward Jay Cutler have not been necessarily favorable as documented in former writings (here, here, here, etc.). What I might have omitted is the excitement I felt when Cutler was first traded to the Bears as it felt like the possibility that the quarterback ridiculousness that had plagued the Bears over many seasons was finally coming to an end. I may have also failed to mention that perhaps I wandered around my house (with that pesky mortgage) for many days muttering, $126.7 million with $54 million in virtual guarantees, which was the agreement as reported by ESPN.
In spite of my often contentious, albeit one-sided, relationship; since I am rationale enough to understand that Cutler does not know who I am, the Bears leadership has decided that Jay is their quarterback of the future. A decision that I can only hope proves to be a good one, not just the realization of, “who else was it going to be?” A number of quarterback contracts have been called in to question lately as the league appears to be coming to the conclusion that sometimes teams have to pay up big money to quarterbacks who are perhaps ‘good enough,’ and that the notion that there are more than 32 athletes who could be deemed ‘exceptional’ is impractical. This may explain why guys like Matthew Stafford, Tony Romo, Joe Flacco, and Andy Dalton are able to take what could be considered borderline mediocrity to the bank. Although I must say that Matthew Stafford served my fantasy team of 2012 well enough, for whatever that is worth.
Anyway, back to Jay. While one can question some of his personal attributes – his apparent, sometimes reckless, arrogance or his smug facial expressions; one cannot question the toughness that has been required to handle the turmoil he has had to endure in Chicago, nor his arm strength. At times the risk is not necessarily worth the reward, but there are enough of those other times when he lofts a ball up there for one of his “Towers of Offense” to go up and get; and when they come down with the ball, this Bears fan erupts like no other. No really, my dog gives me funny looks and my husband threatens to put me on YouTube.
Still, Cutler has been playing with a target on his back since he came to the Windy City. I love Chicago, I miss it terribly, but it is not the easiest sports town in the world. I would be considered one of the milder critics… The expectations that were placed on him, especially given the lack of weapons or protection that was provided for him, combined with the fact that he was brought in by an organization that had long valued the defensive side of the ball amounted to sheer lunacy. Plus Cutler appears to be one of the only people in the world who does not care what people think of him. I have heard those people exist, but have rarely seen it demonstrated so vehemently; and to be honest, on some level I wish I knew how to do that at times.
Much of these challenges have changed however, the Bears sent four offensive representatives to the Pro Bowl including an offensive lineman, have hired an offensive minded coach, and given Cutler one of the most formidable receiving corps in the league. AND HE GOT PAID! So, now Jay, I am going to try to lead a positive charge, from my little corner of the internet, toward giving you some much needed support and good press. This is your team with the ultimate goal, hopefully sooner rather than later, for you to lead toward winning a Super Bowl. While participating is exciting, I am not sure my marriage may not be able to withstand another loss at the hands of a Manning-led team.
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