Hi, people,
Spike here again. My Grandmom (Laurie's Mom) said I should come back, and I always listen to her because she loves me (read: she gives me lots of loving and good presents/treats).
This time I need to vent to you about my Laurie. I have this suspicion that she cheated on me with another dog while she was away. You see, Laurie has been traveling a lot lately for work. Something about researching software options for the electronic medical record requirement for the upcoming implementation of the Affordable Care Act. While I do not understand all that, I do know I have been spending a lot more time with just "the man," or one time my buddy Heather came to hang out with me. I was okay when Laurie went to Albuquerque, I survived both my parents going to Dayton/Atlanta, but this trip to New York sent me over the edge.
Why, you ask...
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Polly Cable Renfrew
This is Polly. She belongs to JennCable (yes, one word), and her fiance Doug. I know (and love) Jenn because she has stayed with us a couple times, but I did not get to meet Doug when he was in Denver for the wedding. Another reason I am upset about this whole wedding thing because Laurie says Doug is great.
Anyway, Laurie spent the second half of her New York trip visiting Jenn, Doug, and their sweet girl Polly. Winter Storm Nemo kept Danny home with me rather than joining Laurie in New York City as originally planned. On the one hand, I did have a steady stream of mangoes (more on that next time) from the man, but on the other it also meant that there was plenty of room on the air mattress in NYC for Polly to snuggle with my woman. While Laurie assures me that no one can snuggle like me,
Labor Day Nap, 2012
I still do not like to share. I am trying to stay positive by telling myself that other than one last business trip to Naperville next week followed by a visit home, Laurie and "the man" should both be around for a while. Even better than that, Laurie remembered last night that Polly had sent me a gift - an antler to chew on. I have never had one before but I think I like it. Thanks, Polly! Perhaps you're not so bad after all...